“Yaoi is a female-imagined space created to explore power in relationships and different kinds of relationships and gender expression and sexuality as it pertains to women - and yaoi relationships are alternatives to hetero-representations that put women in a box. The women reader is thus encouraged to associate herself with uke and dissociate herself from the uke as a form of liberation/sexual exploration.” - YESīut how to explain that? In long essays that make much more sense than that short paragraph. ‘Cause if yaoi is attempting to realistically portray gay men it’s FAILING and I don’t believe that’s true. First of all, one has to be kind of ignorant and confused about women if they believe women are more interested in realistic portrayals of men than stories that they can relate to as women. If you look at the manga series Love Recipe, it defines conventional yaoi explicitly saying its goal is to “make girls’ dreams come true.” A boy becomes an editor for a yaoi production company and has to learn about the genre: why women are passionate about it. At one point, a gay man wants to be a manga-ka, but he has to learn the difference between porn and conventional yaoi. He learns that yaoi is not about the male gaze and wanting to get off.

He tries to defend how he draws erections in his yaoi, because it’s “realistic” but the editors explain to him that realism isn’t important to yaoi. He also learns that what women are getting out of yaoi is different than what he gets out of gay porn.